Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The Holy Month of Summer

Today, we at the Church of the Seven Day Recreationalists celebrate the birth of the Greatest Nation with food, beverage, and of course recreation. Anchored by one of the most sacred foods of the Recreationalist, the Hot Dog. Yes that's right, the Hot Dog is a food to be celebrated in it's own right. No where is there a food that so exemplifies recreation as the humble Hot Dog. Just heat and go, no muss no fuss, just warm meaty goodness that goes with you as you recreate.
Back east on the shores of New Jersey, fellow Recreationalists gather for the annual battle to see who among us can eat the most of this sacred tube food.
This year young 160 pound Takeru Kobayashi of Japan broke his own record, and amazed Recreators around the globe by eating 54 of Nathan's Hot Dogs in only 12 minutes! Yeah, I said 54! 6 years in a row this man has won this contest! This man is a professional Recreator, don't try this on your own.
But the Hot Dog cannot stand alone, all of the other elements of this Holy Day must also be present at our feast; Kosher pickles, watermelon, iced tea, and Devil's Eggs. Let's not forget that most sacred of beverages Ice Cold Beer! Throw in a game or two or a moving picture perhaps and you are then prepared for the day's finale, flying explosives!
Yes, this is indeed a grand day to recreate, and we at the Church relish the fact that so many of our fellow humans (and some lower orders of life) choose this day to recreate with us.
So if you are choosing today to join in with us then please, be safe but ENJOY!!!


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