A Grain of Truth
The Church of the Seven Day Recreationalist was originally dreamed up out of a need for a "religious protection" but it has evolved in to much more. What I mean by that is that there are always people who will be more than happy to proselytize their own religion if you make the mistake of saying "I don't go to church". It was a humorous response that I liked better than saying that yes I was a Christian or a Catholic or whatever. It just so happens that I am a very spiritual man that believes in a creator and in God. I just also happen to think that Religion is full of it, so I created my own that could not be because it took nothing seriously.
A brief study of history, you know that story of what was that is based on actual facts, reveals several things that are troubling about the major religions we have to choose from. (Before we go any further let me say this; I do not begrudge anyone their own beliefs be they Catholic, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, or Druid. Faith has worked wonders on an individual basis, it gets someone through a tough time, gives them strength of character, builds morales in the family and theachs right from wrong. My problem is NOT one of faith but rather one of Religion. BIG difference.) Now where was I? Oh yes, for instance; the Jews of the time just before Moses, worshiped many gods just like everyone else at the time. They had a "head god" that was like the boss god and slowly they began to worship just him. By the time Moses led his people out of Egypt they had settled on just one god. They were the first monothestic religion.
The Jews shared this concept with the newest religion of the day, Christianity from the very beginning since most of the original Christians were in fact converted Jews. But the rest of the world still worshiped the pantheon of pagan gods and did not really want to change. So along about 323c.e. there was a gathering called the Counsil of Nicea where the church forefathers decided what would and would not go into the Christian Bible and in what order. These were the people that decided to celebrate Jesus' birth in December during the Pagen Winter Solstice instead of in March or April which is when he was most likely born, along with many other teachings and dogma of the early church.
Later on several Jewish and Christian beliefs were melded together during the creation of Islam. The "People of the Book" as Islam refers to them all shared the same basis of their religion and the same first six books of the Bible/Koran but in different arrangements.
These things are well documented through out history but religious people the world over choose not to see them for the grain of the truth they are. The instances of facts like these are so numerous it would require volumes to document them all. Religion may indeed be as Vladimir Lenin once said, "The opiate of the masses", but if that's the case then may human kind never recover. Because of faith many good thing have happened, but also many evil deeds have been commited in the name of the Church. The Crusades come instantly to mind, "Come on boys, let's go on a trip to the holy land and kill as many people as we can that do not beleive the same way we do." I can only conclude that the creation of religion was a bad thing though the concept of faith is certainly not.
The most fundimental difference between modern religions and The Church of the Seven Day Recreationalists is that they are religions created by men and designed to be belived by many that they were created by the word of God. Where as we are a religion created by a man for his own entertainment.
If you have been offended by this or any of the other posts concerning the Church of the Seven Day Recreationalists feel free to leave a comment. But know this, we respond to such posts with the Truth, so if you do not wish to hear our views do not bother to leave yours. We'll extend to you the same courtesy.
Go in peace and may what ever god you worship be with you.
A brief study of history, you know that story of what was that is based on actual facts, reveals several things that are troubling about the major religions we have to choose from. (Before we go any further let me say this; I do not begrudge anyone their own beliefs be they Catholic, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, or Druid. Faith has worked wonders on an individual basis, it gets someone through a tough time, gives them strength of character, builds morales in the family and theachs right from wrong. My problem is NOT one of faith but rather one of Religion. BIG difference.) Now where was I? Oh yes, for instance; the Jews of the time just before Moses, worshiped many gods just like everyone else at the time. They had a "head god" that was like the boss god and slowly they began to worship just him. By the time Moses led his people out of Egypt they had settled on just one god. They were the first monothestic religion.
The Jews shared this concept with the newest religion of the day, Christianity from the very beginning since most of the original Christians were in fact converted Jews. But the rest of the world still worshiped the pantheon of pagan gods and did not really want to change. So along about 323c.e. there was a gathering called the Counsil of Nicea where the church forefathers decided what would and would not go into the Christian Bible and in what order. These were the people that decided to celebrate Jesus' birth in December during the Pagen Winter Solstice instead of in March or April which is when he was most likely born, along with many other teachings and dogma of the early church.
Later on several Jewish and Christian beliefs were melded together during the creation of Islam. The "People of the Book" as Islam refers to them all shared the same basis of their religion and the same first six books of the Bible/Koran but in different arrangements.
These things are well documented through out history but religious people the world over choose not to see them for the grain of the truth they are. The instances of facts like these are so numerous it would require volumes to document them all. Religion may indeed be as Vladimir Lenin once said, "The opiate of the masses", but if that's the case then may human kind never recover. Because of faith many good thing have happened, but also many evil deeds have been commited in the name of the Church. The Crusades come instantly to mind, "Come on boys, let's go on a trip to the holy land and kill as many people as we can that do not beleive the same way we do." I can only conclude that the creation of religion was a bad thing though the concept of faith is certainly not.
The most fundimental difference between modern religions and The Church of the Seven Day Recreationalists is that they are religions created by men and designed to be belived by many that they were created by the word of God. Where as we are a religion created by a man for his own entertainment.
If you have been offended by this or any of the other posts concerning the Church of the Seven Day Recreationalists feel free to leave a comment. But know this, we respond to such posts with the Truth, so if you do not wish to hear our views do not bother to leave yours. We'll extend to you the same courtesy.
Go in peace and may what ever god you worship be with you.
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