High Holy Week

Here we are on the eve of the High Holy Week and all of us at the Church of the Seven Day Recreationalists want wish each and every one of you a warm an relaxing Holy Day Season. This evening the traditional Christmas Eve dinner will be followed by cold mugs of Apple Lambic around the fire. Ahh, freedom.
Tomorrow marks the beginning of the celebrations for our year beginning of course with the Solstice itself. A shame we won't have any snow to play in but that will change soon enough I guess. If your celebration centers on Christmas, then be sure yours is Merry and Bright as the songs of old say. But we hope every one enjoys their holiday no matter which they celebrate. It is a lovely thing that we can choose which holiday is ours. Ahh, freedom.Friday marks the 43rd celebration of our founder's birth and he plans to celebrate with fine food and family. Please lift a glass of something to toast a man that celebrates enjoying life. Slainte!
Sunday next is of course the end of the High Holy Week with the celebration of the new year! Remember friends that this is traditionally Amateur Night, and we at the CSDR highly recommend staying at home to celebrate the end of the year. Much safer that way.
Celebrate the High Holy Week, enjoy yourselves, but do it with an eye towards caution so you will be here to celebrate with us again next year. Cheers.