Monday, October 27, 2008

Ah, The end of summer...

**Drawing a deep breath**

Ah, the end of summer, Samhain is upon us at last and we can finally look forward to the coming of winter. (Unless of course you live here where it is STILL in the middle 90s every day!) My brother is receiving temps of 44 degrees, during the day! It's just not fair sometimes.

But as I was saying, Samhain is this Friday and for those of you unfamiliar with this festival let me share some details with you very quickly. Samhain, or in Gaelic; OĆ­che Shamhna (Literally "Night of Samhain") is one of the most import festivals of the entire Irish year. It marks the end of summer, the collection of the final harvest, and in many cases the first frost.

It is also said to be the one night upon which the boundry between our world and that of the dead is thinnest.

It is a night of bonfires, food, libation, and reverence for loved ones who have left this world behind. The table will be set with an empty place for the departed loved one to join the party, and all of their favorite foods are served. It is a time to remember those we have lost, and to be thankful for what we have.

In this time of war, many have lost much. In this time of financial crisis, many have little. Couldn't we all benefit from a day set aside to honour those who are gone and to be grateful that while we all have less, we still have some?

So this Friday, light a bonfire (or a candle would probably be safer), leave a place at the table, and have a libation in honour and in thanks. Take stock of what you have and be glad of it, many have much less than you.

Always remember and never forget, those that imbibe DON'T drive! The Church of the Seven Day Recreationalists thanks you all, Huzzah!



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