Saturday, November 25, 2006

Rounding the Thanksgiving corner

We have rounded the corner to the High Holy Month of December and a rather large collection of celebratory holy days. Let us here detail December and the revelries we at the CSDR will partake in. The festivities begin on the 4th with the Birth celebration of our most loved brother David. Recently David has shown an inclination towards our most firmly held beliefs so naturally we wish to include him in our list. Hazzah dear brother!
On the heals of this celebration, nay barley enough time elapses to recover properly, is the birth celebration of the High Priestess of the Faith, co-founder of our order, recreator extrordinaire, and damn fine woman; TLL! That's right The Lovely Laura will be celebrating her 39th birthday (again) on the 11th. We will be recreating in high fashion that evening I can tell you.
Christmas is of course a day of celebration for many and for many reasons. For us at the CSDR it is the celbration of the Winter Solstice and marks the approch of not only the new year but also the Highest of all our annual celebrations marked on the day of the 29th. That being the birth of the High Priest of the faith, creative recreator and overall swell guy, our founder. That's right I consider my own birthday the most important celebration of the year and as the leader of the faith that is my right. (Of course, the Church of the Seven Day Recreationalist encourages all of it's members to consider the day of their own birth as the Highest of Holy on the calendar of each member. This leads to a wonderful collection of celebrations that spread themselves throughout the year which always is a good thing.)

Finally we like so many others will celebrate the arrival of the New Year in our own fashion, that being quite recreating at our own home. Since this is regarded as "Amateur Night" by the professional recreator, we consider it the safest and wisest decission to remain safely within your own castle walls. If you must venture out to recreate remember the simple rules of the faithful:
1. If you will be consuming the Holy Beverage or any of it's alcholic relations provide for your own transportation back to the safety of your abode. Don't attempt to do it your self. (Unless of course you can WALK back to safety!)
2. Enjoy, but don't be stupid.
December is always a memorable month, be sure you can join us for the next one!

The High Holy Month approches, join in our celebrations and be sure to add your own to our list. The more the merrier! Huzzah!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Celebrations to one and all! My highest holy day is the ninth. I'll be forty-three. Happy High Holy Days to you and yours' and theirs'!


Fri Dec 01, 12:44:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, this is pretty cool! I can't write in that High Holy Day vernacular, but it's awesome to read yours. Moving on to read your other site. Mom

Fri Dec 01, 01:05:00 PM  

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