Monday, August 07, 2006

Missed opportunities

Oh my, I hope that the powers that be can find it in thier hearts to forgive a pair of oversights for the Holy Month of July! I have blown it hard it folks and should be flogged publicly. First was the very important celebration for a member of the brethren, an apostle of our creed, Dogster. Yes indeed, the Dogman has always been a practicing member of the faith, (Although I'd wager he was not always cognizant of that fact.) One of my oldest friends, the Dogman deserves to be added to the list of July celebrations.
So, let the heralds proclaim that from this time forward and anon the 28th day of July is officailly added to the list of celebrations for the High Holy Month of Summer!

On a similar note it should be stated here that a "celebration optional" day is being considered for addition to
the High Holy Month of July, that being the date of the 13th of July. This is the date not of a sacred family member or of a favored church member but rather a posthumously awarded honor of one that influenced our lives quite earliy on. I am speaking of Ladmo, Ladimir Kwiatkowski. A clown prince if ever such existed, Ladmo was the grown-up that all of us kids wanted around because he was in fact a kid himself. He knew us and we knew him and we were caught up in the wonder of him. Ladmo was a follower of the Church of the Seven Day Recreationalist long before the concept came in to being, a lover of life and those who lived it Ladmo was a hero and a dear friend both. I was among the many people that wept not-so-secret tears that dark day in March 1994 when the newsmen had to tell us all that our lifetime hero and buddy was gone. Many a time have I remebered the hours shared with Lad and Wallace in my own living room or that of a friend. Ladmo was universally loved among the children of my era and we ran home after school each day so we could once again see our friend play at life. It was only this past weekend that I discovered Lad's birthday. Having never known it I could not think to include him in our celebrations. So now I myself will lift a toast to Lad each July 13th, you may join me if you wish. I hope you will.


Blogger -M said...

Oh dang, you just missed it. Normally floggings take place on Wednesday. We were considering moving floggings to Saturdays so more people can attend. (This last time only the cats showed up.)

Tue Aug 15, 05:32:00 PM  

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