Down Hill to September
Well, the hectic High Holy Days of summer are behind us and the warm, soft bliss of summer streches out before us like a comfortable sofa. All that's left to do now is relax. (Yeah, right.) We at the Church of the Seven Day Recreationalist have the view that during the few months, while temperatures flirt with 120F, it is best to do our recreating in doors! Paise God for air conditioning! One day we will move to Oregon and be done with this furnace once and for all. But I digress...
We celebrated the Father's birth with good food and a waiter that actually could stand up to the verbal abuse heaped upon him by the four of us at once! Everyone was in a wonderful mood (oddly enough) and no blood was spilled either literally or figurativly. However that did mean we were all in rare form when it came to picking on our poor waiter. He must come from good stock to have survived it. The Father did not even object when the wait staff approched and forced a flat, out of tune version of Happy Birthday out of all of us. I was pleased but also surprised.
The next evening our celebration for our Most Beloved Brother, Silvertounge was much more restrained, though just as heartfelt. Again, good food this time from Cornwall, and a lovely ale. The High Priestess and Most Beloved Sister had journyed back to the tall mountains of Colorado so it was only myself and TLL that lifted pints for Silvertounge's honour. Although I feel certain that the unjoined brothers and our Most Beloved Sister Princess M, that are closest to Silvertounge in the frozen wastes of the north also lifted a few pints in his honour as well. All tolled it was a fine Holy Season. Huzzah!
Now we await the closing of the King Salmon season in September and Silvertounge's return to the warmth of the brethren (not to mention the warmth of a building, any building) in the frozen north and each pint that is lifted in the weeks between this date and that will be for his remote recreation and his safe return. Set yourself a task, this weekend or tonight have a pint and think of a small boat in the Gulf of Alaska, and a brother that can not have one with you yet.
We celebrated the Father's birth with good food and a waiter that actually could stand up to the verbal abuse heaped upon him by the four of us at once! Everyone was in a wonderful mood (oddly enough) and no blood was spilled either literally or figurativly. However that did mean we were all in rare form when it came to picking on our poor waiter. He must come from good stock to have survived it. The Father did not even object when the wait staff approched and forced a flat, out of tune version of Happy Birthday out of all of us. I was pleased but also surprised.
The next evening our celebration for our Most Beloved Brother, Silvertounge was much more restrained, though just as heartfelt. Again, good food this time from Cornwall, and a lovely ale. The High Priestess and Most Beloved Sister had journyed back to the tall mountains of Colorado so it was only myself and TLL that lifted pints for Silvertounge's honour. Although I feel certain that the unjoined brothers and our Most Beloved Sister Princess M, that are closest to Silvertounge in the frozen wastes of the north also lifted a few pints in his honour as well. All tolled it was a fine Holy Season. Huzzah!
Now we await the closing of the King Salmon season in September and Silvertounge's return to the warmth of the brethren (not to mention the warmth of a building, any building) in the frozen north and each pint that is lifted in the weeks between this date and that will be for his remote recreation and his safe return. Set yourself a task, this weekend or tonight have a pint and think of a small boat in the Gulf of Alaska, and a brother that can not have one with you yet.
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