Sunday, July 16, 2006

Eve of the Great Summer Holy Day

On this, the eve of the summer's high holy day celebration, the question of why we recreate frequently comes up. (Often this question is not actually asked until AFTER the celebrations are over.) But in order to enlighten those downtrodden amongst the faithful let me answer that question in the simplest terms possible. BECAUSE!

Those of you that know someone that does not properly recreate, perhaps it is a friend or parent or spouse or even yourself, know the terrible damage that results from being too damn tight all the time. Now this dreadful condition results in actions like, eating alone, staring at television until your eye balls are burned, and growling at people. But with only moderate effort and minimal expense these sympoms are easily remedied. Recreating does not have to mean drinking yourself silly, (although that is sometimes the appropriate method provided it is not then followed by acts of wanton stupidity like driving.) it can be as simple as taking the time to pet the cat.

The most import aspect of proper recreating is the smile. I'm not talking about your big cheek splitting grin, (again, that is sometimes appropriate, use your own judgement on the proper size of the smile.) just a small subtile "Mona" smile can do it. (Few people realize that the Mona Lisa'a charming smile is due to her petting a cat in her lap.) But the smile must be present for an activity to be considered recreation. Exempt from this staement is the "Evil Grin" frequently sported by mad scientists, this should not be confused with recreation since mad scientists are actually incapable of recreation...being mad you see prevents it and world domination is not really a hobby any way.

Now, eh where was I? Oh yes smiles. A smile is a sure sign that you are releasing stress and crabbieness and becoming more relaxed. The broader and more sincere the smile the higher level of recreation you are attaining. (Except as noted previously, world domination and all that.) Any way, this is a possitive sign to yourself and to others that you are getting jiggy with it, letting the garbage go, and becoming one of the faithful.

That is what the high holy days of the Church of the Seven Day Recreationalist are designed to do, release the bad juju and get a grin on. (The fact that many high holy days also corrospond with the days of birth of the priests, priestesses, and father of the faithful is really just an interesting perk.) So break out the Scrabble, go see a movie, call someone that makes you laugh, rule the world, (How did THAT get in there? Ignore that last one!), have a pint or two of the holy beverage, (By the way, Root Beer is also a holy beverage.) SMILE! That is the ultimate act of the faithful anyway, the sharing of smiles with others. Corny perhaps but, as Darth Vader said to his son, "Search your feelings, you KNOW it to be true!" Good 'ol Darth, now there was a man that needed to get out more and recreate!



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