Consideration of All Hallow's Eve

Fall is such a glorious time of year, the endless heat of summer is finally abating and the grand and glorious All Hallow's Eve approches. (Not to mention the State Fair which is always fun.) We are considering decorating like mad this year in the hope we actually get some little goblins coming by. We will of course be displaying TLL's remarkable talent at making vegitables frightening, (see above...).
All Hallow's Eve, or as the celts called it "Oíche Samhain" literally "End of Summer night", was a harvest celebration worthy of the Church of the Seven Day Recreationalists. Huge bon fires would burn through the night to ward off evil spirits, and the greatest feast of the Celtic year would take place. It has been a holiday that has always been dear to me ever since I was a juvenile deliquent. We were allowed to stay out late at night unencumbered by the company of adults, dress in scary costumes and eat enough candy to give an elephant diabetes. Shaving cream for rearview mirrors, fire crackers for unsuspecting trick or treaters, and toilet paper for the trees at the golf course. Oh Joy!
Now it is a time to remember those we have lost, to lift a pint to our friends and our good fortune, to celebrate the retreat of triple digit tempratures, to eat enough candy to make us sick and of course to try to scare the bejeebers out of some unsuspecting trick or treaters. We always seem to watch classic scary movies, and wish more kids would come to the door so we could stop eating all this damned candy!
Alas, last year the only beggers we got to scare were the cats, and that's entirely too easy! Heck they were terrified of the dry ice fog. This year though will be epic, or at least better than last year.
To those of you that say we are too old to play at Halloween I say "Phooey!" If you're too old to have fun then your dead. (CSDR Guide Book, Chapter 1, verse 3.) To those who say "Woohoo, where's the beer?" I say Gald to see you, take a seat and I'll fetch you one. I hope pumpkin beer is OK with you. No, never mind. To those of you that say Halloween is evil, is the birthday of Satan, and a holiday for devil worship I say two things; First, what the hell are you doing on this site to begin with? and Second, Oh grow the hell up! Put down that puritanical piece of fiction you're reading and go out and enjoy something of your life. You only get one crack at this, unless the Buddists are right, so at least have some fun for goodness sake.
Have a lovely time, we'll share more of planning and execution of this year's Oíche Samhain with you as the date approches.
You still can wirte my old friend I'm glad to see you have kept up on the talent. You just keep it up see you soon. Oh you have a Very nice blog too.
./salute! I'll be thinking of you and your's as I raise a black and tan on Samhain. We also, attempt to beat our personal best decoration-wise! (Very scary veggie there! I carved a witch last year. I'm getting better, but not quite scary enough yet. lol)
Hay brother, happy hallow's. I'm in the market for the badass laptop so I'm gonna give you a call. Working on our tickets today too for coming down your way. Talk at you soon. Praise the 7 dayers, love seano
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