Well, August is a quiet month for the Church of the Seven Day Recreationalists. The main point of recreation falling on the 22nd of the month. Why, that's tomorrow! Indeed we prepare to celebrate the marital union of two of our most beloved members, Silvertounge and Princess M! 8 Years they've been legal now and that is a grand achivement in this day and age worthy of celebration.
Alas, Silvertounge is still at sea pursuing those wiley Salmon so he is not likely to be able to lift a glass in honour of his own nuptials. So in the tradition of The Brotherhood, (Funny how fast these things become tradition nowadays. Hmm.) we shall all lift up a toast in proxy for our beloved brother and his beautiful wife and wish them many more years together and hope that next year he can actually be home for his own anniversary.
We emplore all current members and future members of the faith to enjoy some good food, good drink, and fine company on behalf of those that are far from the ones they love this evening. And know that we certainly will as well.
Happy Anniversary Silvertounge & Princess M!!!!
Alas, Silvertounge is still at sea pursuing those wiley Salmon so he is not likely to be able to lift a glass in honour of his own nuptials. So in the tradition of The Brotherhood, (Funny how fast these things become tradition nowadays. Hmm.) we shall all lift up a toast in proxy for our beloved brother and his beautiful wife and wish them many more years together and hope that next year he can actually be home for his own anniversary.
We emplore all current members and future members of the faith to enjoy some good food, good drink, and fine company on behalf of those that are far from the ones they love this evening. And know that we certainly will as well.
Happy Anniversary Silvertounge & Princess M!!!!
thank you, dear brother!
You are most welcome.
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