Sunday, November 19, 2006

Silvertounge in the Desert

After his harrowing adventures at sea battling the wiley salmon we are plaesed to say the our dear brother is again in the lands of the living. After a brief visit to the land of music in Kentucky he rejoined the flock in Alaska to gather his wind. Then he was off again to play and drink and play to all points.
Recently he joined us in the desert at the home of the Church of the Seven Day Recreationalists food and holy beverage. We were all well pleased to gaze upon him and hear his tales. But alas his visit was to brief as he has gone on to the mysterious land of Texass. No doubt to spread the message of the CSDR to those poor under-recreated souls in the lone-star state. He has promised to return to the desert just after the annual tryptophan festival. (Colloquially known as Thanksgiving.) At which time he will be joined by his better and our Beloved Sister Princess M. All of us at CSDR look forward greatly to the company of both of them, for we have missed them mightily.
On a sad note, our Samhain celebration came to naught this year due to our home being in a sad state of repair due to our remodling project not being completed in a timely fashion, and that we had only one, that's right one, Trick-or-Treater come to our door. Made me want to cry really. So once it was clear we would be receiving no more knocks at the door, we proceeded to celebrate in the most grand fashion imaginable. (Actually we fell asleep in the living room watching TV. Oh, the shame.) It is for this reason and others that we were so thrilled to see Silvertounge, feeling that his very presence would lift the doldrum left on us by our failed Samhain celebration which it did. I can hardly wait until his return, hurry dear Brother, we can only keep the beer cold so long before we must partake. We'll try to save you some.
As the High Holy Month of December looms ever nearer and the stress that comes along with that accumulates remember that there is no finer lesson in life than to learn how to recreate when you are tearing out your hair. Afterall, if it doesn't fit who cares? You don't have to take it back! Enjoy!


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