Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

It is the third largest holiday for the consumption of alcohol, behind New Years and St. Patrick's Day. School is out and people are enjoying the warm weather and the freedom to do what they choose to do. All fine traditions indeed!

But it's called Memorial Day for a reason. This is the day our nation sets aside to honour the men and women who have lost their lives in the service of our country. This is an important tradition, a touchstone that should never be put away or trivialized. So I would like to propose a new tradition, I would like you all to consider adding this to your personal pantheon of traditions and to keep it each year. Pass it along so your children keep the tradition as well.

This Memorial Day, before the BBQs and the boating, the picnics and the baseball and yes even the racing, take a moment to consider what this day represents. Not a moment of silence while you consider your to-do list, but true reflection on the meaning of the word Memorial. It is a time when we should take a few moments and remember those Americans that have paid the price for our freedom to grill and boat and play baseball and go racing. Because freedom must be bought over and over again with blood and sweat and tears otherwise it will vanish, like a summer shower.

So this Memorial Day, play and have fun and enjoy your freedoms. But remember those that have provided them for you and perhaps say a prayer or lift an ale for those that are out there defending them even now!


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