Friday, July 21, 2006
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Down Hill to September
We celebrated the Father's birth with good food and a waiter that actually could stand up to the verbal abuse heaped upon him by the four of us at once! Everyone was in a wonderful mood (oddly enough) and no blood was spilled either literally or figurativly. However that did mean we were all in rare form when it came to picking on our poor waiter. He must come from good stock to have survived it. The Father did not even object when the wait staff approched and forced a flat, out of tune version of Happy Birthday out of all of us. I was pleased but also surprised.
The next evening our celebration for our Most Beloved Brother, Silvertounge was much more restrained, though just as heartfelt. Again, good food this time from Cornwall, and a lovely ale. The High Priestess and Most Beloved Sister had journyed back to the tall mountains of Colorado so it was only myself and TLL that lifted pints for Silvertounge's honour. Although I feel certain that the unjoined brothers and our Most Beloved Sister Princess M, that are closest to Silvertounge in the frozen wastes of the north also lifted a few pints in his honour as well. All tolled it was a fine Holy Season. Huzzah!
Now we await the closing of the King Salmon season in September and Silvertounge's return to the warmth of the brethren (not to mention the warmth of a building, any building) in the frozen north and each pint that is lifted in the weeks between this date and that will be for his remote recreation and his safe return. Set yourself a task, this weekend or tonight have a pint and think of a small boat in the Gulf of Alaska, and a brother that can not have one with you yet.
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Eve of the Great Summer Holy Day
Those of you that know someone that does not properly recreate, perhaps it is a friend or parent or spouse or even yourself, know the terrible damage that results from being too damn tight all the time. Now this dreadful condition results in actions like, eating alone, staring at television until your eye balls are burned, and growling at people. But with only moderate effort and minimal expense these sympoms are easily remedied. Recreating does not have to mean drinking yourself silly, (although that is sometimes the appropriate method provided it is not then followed by acts of wanton stupidity like driving.) it can be as simple as taking the time to pet the cat.
The most import aspect of proper recreating is the smile. I'm not talking about your big cheek splitting grin, (again, that is sometimes appropriate, use your own judgement on the proper size of the smile.) just a small subtile "Mona" smile can do it. (Few people realize that the Mona Lisa'a charming smile is due to her petting a cat in her lap.) But the smile must be present for an activity to be considered recreation. Exempt from this staement is the "Evil Grin" frequently sported by mad scientists, this should not be confused with recreation since mad scientists are actually incapable of recreation...being mad you see prevents it and world domination is not really a hobby any way.
Now, eh where was I? Oh yes smiles. A smile is a sure sign that you are releasing stress and crabbieness and becoming more relaxed. The broader and more sincere the smile the higher level of recreation you are attaining. (Except as noted previously, world domination and all that.) Any way, this is a possitive sign to yourself and to others that you are getting jiggy with it, letting the garbage go, and becoming one of the faithful.
That is what the high holy days of the Church of the Seven Day Recreationalist are designed to do, release the bad juju and get a grin on. (The fact that many high holy days also corrospond with the days of birth of the priests, priestesses, and father of the faithful is really just an interesting perk.) So break out the Scrabble, go see a movie, call someone that makes you laugh, rule the world, (How did THAT get in there? Ignore that last one!), have a pint or two of the holy beverage, (By the way, Root Beer is also a holy beverage.) SMILE! That is the ultimate act of the faithful anyway, the sharing of smiles with others. Corny perhaps but, as Darth Vader said to his son, "Search your feelings, you KNOW it to be true!" Good 'ol Darth, now there was a man that needed to get out more and recreate!
Monday, July 10, 2006
A Grain of Truth
A brief study of history, you know that story of what was that is based on actual facts, reveals several things that are troubling about the major religions we have to choose from. (Before we go any further let me say this; I do not begrudge anyone their own beliefs be they Catholic, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Hindu, or Druid. Faith has worked wonders on an individual basis, it gets someone through a tough time, gives them strength of character, builds morales in the family and theachs right from wrong. My problem is NOT one of faith but rather one of Religion. BIG difference.) Now where was I? Oh yes, for instance; the Jews of the time just before Moses, worshiped many gods just like everyone else at the time. They had a "head god" that was like the boss god and slowly they began to worship just him. By the time Moses led his people out of Egypt they had settled on just one god. They were the first monothestic religion.
The Jews shared this concept with the newest religion of the day, Christianity from the very beginning since most of the original Christians were in fact converted Jews. But the rest of the world still worshiped the pantheon of pagan gods and did not really want to change. So along about 323c.e. there was a gathering called the Counsil of Nicea where the church forefathers decided what would and would not go into the Christian Bible and in what order. These were the people that decided to celebrate Jesus' birth in December during the Pagen Winter Solstice instead of in March or April which is when he was most likely born, along with many other teachings and dogma of the early church.
Later on several Jewish and Christian beliefs were melded together during the creation of Islam. The "People of the Book" as Islam refers to them all shared the same basis of their religion and the same first six books of the Bible/Koran but in different arrangements.
These things are well documented through out history but religious people the world over choose not to see them for the grain of the truth they are. The instances of facts like these are so numerous it would require volumes to document them all. Religion may indeed be as Vladimir Lenin once said, "The opiate of the masses", but if that's the case then may human kind never recover. Because of faith many good thing have happened, but also many evil deeds have been commited in the name of the Church. The Crusades come instantly to mind, "Come on boys, let's go on a trip to the holy land and kill as many people as we can that do not beleive the same way we do." I can only conclude that the creation of religion was a bad thing though the concept of faith is certainly not.
The most fundimental difference between modern religions and The Church of the Seven Day Recreationalists is that they are religions created by men and designed to be belived by many that they were created by the word of God. Where as we are a religion created by a man for his own entertainment.
If you have been offended by this or any of the other posts concerning the Church of the Seven Day Recreationalists feel free to leave a comment. But know this, we respond to such posts with the Truth, so if you do not wish to hear our views do not bother to leave yours. We'll extend to you the same courtesy.
Go in peace and may what ever god you worship be with you.
Sunday, July 09, 2006
A High Holy Day
Let's all recreate!
Friday, July 07, 2006
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
A Break from Recreating
Even those of us that are high ranking members of The Church must take an occational break from recreating and actually work for a living, since The Church as yet cannot support us entirely on the generous gifts of the flock. Actually, the flock doesn't give us squat! We must find a way to remedy that problem. Anyway, today is back to the salt mines for all of us as we look forward to the next sacred day, the celebration of the Beloved Sister and High Priestess of the Order. July the 9th will come quickly and we will welcome it with mugs held high.
Don't forget to lift an extra tankard today and everyday through September to honour The High Priest and Beloved Brother, Silvertounge, as he is unable to recreate properly during his epic battle. We hope he returns from his quest successful and ready to celebrate.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
The Holy Month of Summer
Back east on the shores of New Jersey, fellow Recreationalists gather for the annual battle to see who among us can eat the most of this sacred tube food. This year young 160 pound Takeru Kobayashi of Japan broke his own record, and amazed Recreators around the globe by eating 54 of Nathan's Hot Dogs in only 12 minutes! Yeah, I said 54! 6 years in a row this man has won this contest! This man is a professional Recreator, don't try this on your own.
But the Hot Dog cannot stand alone, all of the other elements of this Holy Day must also be present at our feast; Kosher pickles, watermelon, iced tea, and Devil's Eggs. Let's not forget that most sacred of beverages Ice Cold Beer! Throw in a game or two or a moving picture perhaps and you are then prepared for the day's finale, flying explosives!
Yes, this is indeed a grand day to recreate, and we at the Church relish the fact that so many of our fellow humans (and some lower orders of life) choose this day to recreate with us. So if you are choosing today to join in with us then please, be safe but ENJOY!!!
Monday, July 03, 2006
July; A Time for Recreating
Next the birth of High Priestess of the Order and sacred Sister of our founder, (that's me), is celebrated on the 9th. Food, drink, and moving pictures are the order of the day.
The 17th marks the beginning of a two day feast and music celebration to honour The Father and concludes on the 18th with the lifting of spirits for Silvertounge, High Priest and beloved Brother.
Eat, Drink, View Films, Hear and Play Music, Play miniature golf (A founder's favorite!), Remember those that are far from us and then laugh because you are having fun! July is a time Recreation, Enjoy!
A New Concept in Babbling
As one of the founding members of the Church of the Seven Day Recreationalists and an Apostle of "Relax, we'll do it later" I do not have the extreamly limited perspective inflicted upon other religious leaders. Hence the paranoid delutions held by such people that they can, through charisma and a "holy book", change the entire world to suit their vision. Despite the fact that for the most part the entire world has no desire what so ever to be changed.
Evidence of this is presented every day clearly and plainly by folks blowing themselves up in the name of whichever god they follow. "We're better than you and don't try to change us or we'll blow ourselves up." My goodness but there are some woo-hoos out there!
Here at the Church of the Seven Day Rereationalist we believe that, well, we don't talk about that much. The number one rule here is "Enjoy it while you're here, who knows what's next". So all these tumultuous times are best left for others to deal with, they don't care what we think anyway. Have fun and remember to recereate!